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Monday, November 11, 2013

Secret Cure For Opiate Withdrawal Revealed After Being Hidden For Over 30 Years!

Secret Cure For Opiate Withdrawal Revealed After Being Hidden For Over 30 Years!

Heroin addiction has rocked the United States along with many other country ' s including Canada and Australia since the 1960 ' s. When people think of the chitchat heroin they become biased and judgmental while often categorizing users as being low class. The fact is that many heroin addicts of today in duration out being middle to over class clan that were prescribed pain medications such as Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin, etc... and became accustomed to these medications. After being placed on these meds for extended periods of time they become prone and consequently when the meds are cut neutralize they terminus up buying these drugs knock off of the journey. They so find that heroin offers the corresponding high and satisfies there cravings for half the price they were fruitful for there prescription meds execute the journey. Many users look for treatment of there addictions only to find out that the available options are either to dear or require extended stays at rehab smoothness ' s. The usual treatment in America is for the opiate dependent patient to be placed on methadone concervation or suboxone continuation. Both methadone and suboxone are synthetic opiates that have a elongate half life of anywhere between 16 and 40 hours. These medications work tolerably well if used to detox the patient from opiates and are only taken for 3 to 7 days before being tapered polish off. The problem is that most programs need to keep the patients on these meds stringy phrase in line to stay in business. There is little money in curing patients of there addictions but there is a huge amount in keeping them on prolongation programs which has the patient on these meds for months and even years. Once the patient is on these meds for that lingering they become righteous as obsessed as they were on the opiates they wanted to get obliterate. There is also the several number guillotine pregnancy ' s where the baby is born inclined to opiates and also these synthetic opiates such as methadone and suboxone. These children can suffer through bouts of withdrawal for up to 6 months before they are well enough to go home to there mothers. All of this is common learning and can be found anywhere on line if researched. What is not common learning is that all of this pain and suffering could easily be avoided and many of our governments around the world were presented information in 1977 that provided an amazing find that should have rocked the medical world. The powers that be at that time swept the information under the rug and kept it hidden away in favor of manufacture money over the well being of its people. In 1977 it was discovered that patients accustomed to opiates could be taken asphyxiate of opiates without going through opiate withdrawal. This could be done without the need of and drugs or herbs and was fast, safe, easy to direct, and very flashy. There is an every day vitamin that can be administered in a certain form of delivery and given in such a way that if given at a certain dose for a certain duration of time, will alleviate all symptoms of opiate withdrawal. A doctor discovered this when he was taking his patients chill of morphine and noticed none of them were experiencing withdrawal symptoms. He successive found that each of these patients were on a accurate vitamin regimen and that this one vitamin that was given in a clean-cut form of cry, at a expressed dose, was the cause of the suppression of the withdrawal symptoms. He contacted many different heads of realm ' s around the world to offer his revelations to them to help with the reinforcing heroin addiction that was sweeping through at the time only to find that no one seemed interested. Fast forward to 2007. I was researching alternative treatments for opiate addiction when I accidentally stumbled across this information while reading a sequel on cancer. I was floored after reading this and couldn ' t wait to try it for myself. I have had many people in my area who were prone to heroin and methadone use this information to successfully stop taking these drugs while avoiding all withdrawal. I was unemployed at the time and searching on line for ways to make money when I discovered a program that teaches you how to concoct e books and market them. I logic to myself that this would be the perfect opportunity to use this information I had found on this secret treatment for withdrawal to father my own e book and market it to people that are searching the lacework for a way to boundary there opiate addiction. So I created my e book and a net site to market it and have had tremendous happiness with helping people get clean without the need for narcotic drugs or rehabs. The site for my e book is www. NoMoreOpiateWithdrawal

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