Home Treatment For Heat Hives That Will Work
Cholinergic Urticaria, commonly known as heat hives, is actually a hyper sensitive reaction to heat. As compared to women, heat hives are more common in men. The ground unpunctual heat - hives is change in temperature. With the change in room or weather temperature, body temperature also changes and these changes mostly sway to cholinergic Urticaria attacks. People suffering from heat hives should avoid sauna baths, spicy food and heavy unfeigned exercises. Hives or Urticaria is a type of skin - allergy or body rash, it is not very harmful. Heat - hive symptoms are as follows:
- Bill Patches on the body
- Raised welts on the skin
- Red and itchy brochure patches, occurring in batches
- All size of patches, ranging from millimeters to centimeters
- Usually occurs on throat, legs, arms and trunk.
- Angioedema - swelling of face, lips and tongue
- Speedy onset
About 16 % people suffer from heat - hives in their lives. There are mainly two types of Urticaria. One is acute Urticaria, in this occasion the rashes lasts for less than six weeks and the other type is chronic Urticaria. In this case rashes lasts for more than six weeks, it is very onerous to find the cause of chronic Urticaria as compared to acute Urticaria.
Following are some tips to control heat hives -
Avoid sun and hot - bath Primarily, one should avoid going out in sun to keep away from heat - hive. If you are aware that any change in weather or body temperature can upset your body and fruition in Urticaria, thus you should avoid activities like, hot - bath, sauna etc.
Avoid ponderous it exercise When you do original exercises, your body temperature alters and you start sweating which results in itching, heat - hives. It obligation not be inferred that those who are very loath to heat should not exercise at all. Individuals, liable to heat hives should do shiny exercise in comparison to substantial ones. Yoga and rumination helps in keeping ones body and mind, arctic and calm. So, people sore from heat - hives should sense yoga recurrently to avoid Urticaria attacks.
Avoidance of known allergens In plight of heat - hives, people should avoid those foods which cause them allergy. Foods like shellfish, carrots, tomatoes soy, chocolates, berries etc. are mostly incumbent for heat - hives.
Use of antihistamines In occasion of heat - hives, one should use antihistamines like Benadryl, Tagamet, Seldane and Atarax, to control the problem from escalating. These are the primary medicines for heat - hives, but in case if none of these medicines provide relief and the condition of patient deteriorates, thence Corticosteroids or Epinephrine injections are very helpful.
Avoid hot, spicy food - Those who seasoning heat hives frequently should avoid hot and spicy food. They should modify their diet to add more cold or fresh food items like yogurt, avocados, pomegranates, melons, grapes, pineapples and plums etc. Alcohol, highly spicy food can be very touchy for people suffering from chronic Urticaria. Cutting on the intake of carrots, beets, hot pepper, tomatoes, onions, garlic and charcoal pepper in their diet can avoid Urticaria attacks.
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